Groton Town Diaries, 1918-1971

New site under construction: this collection is being migrated from obsolete software to a new platform. We hope to have these digital collections are ready for viewing again soon. Meanwhile, digital copies may be accessed on one of the computers in the library by prior arrangement (contact the Reference desk to set up an appointment).
The Groton Herald, 1979 —
The Groton Herald Collection is coming soon!
Community-Wide Preservation Project
Prepared by the Groton Historical Commission
The mission and sole purpose of the Groton Historical Commission is to identify, document and catalogue all of the Town's historic assets and to help preserve the historic character of Groton for future generations. In 2005 the Commission embarked on a multi segmented, multi year Community-Wide Preservation Project, which when completed will produce a complete historic survey of the Town of Groton identifying, documenting and cataloguing all of the town's historic assets.
Click on one of the Segments listed below to go to its table of contents page:
Groton's surveys of historic buildings, features, and neighborhoods may also be found on the statewide database MACRIS: Massachusetts Cultural Resource Information System from the Massachusetts Historical Commission. Set the City/Town filter for Groton. Here the records may be filtered and searched by architectural style, construction date, historic name, and other features.