Storytimes are offered for children from infancy to 5 years old. Regular weekly story times run from September until the beginning of December and from January through April. Check the Calendar for exact dates and times. When school is cancelled or delayed due to weather conditions, story times will be cancelled. Storytimes are not held during school vacation weeks.
For Babies and Toddlers
Peadpods Storytime for Infants-Age 2 with Miss Lauren
Wednesdays, 10:30-11:00am or 11:15-11:45am (September-April)
A first library and sensory experience for babies and toddlers with a parent or caregiver. The first 20 minutes consist of rhymes, music & songs, puppets, and an introduction to books. Children (and parents!) play and socialize for the remaining 10 minutes. Play includes bubbles, coloring, movement, and changes weekly. Registration is required.
For Pre-School Children
Storytime for 3, 4 and 5 Year Olds with Miss Jacquie
Thursdays, 10:30-11:00am (September-April)
An interactive storytime full of laughter and fun! Stories, songs and puppets selected for the interests and attention span of the preschooler. Child must be at least 3 years old to attend this program. Registration is required.
Mirrors & Windows Storytime with Miss Sheila
Third Thursday, 10:30-11:00am (September-April)
The Mirrors & Windows Storytime provides an opportunity for children to hear stories where they see themselves reflected (like looking in a mirror) AND they learn something new about someone else (like looking in a window). This storytime is geared towards children ages 3-5 and siblings are welcome. Registration is required.
For Babies through Kindergarten Children
Tales and Tunes for Tots
Usually held the first Friday of the month, 10:30-11:15am (September-May)
A story and music time for infants and preschoolers featuring popular children’s entertainers. Online registration begins one week before the program for Groton residents; non-residents may sign up two days in advance as space allows.