Pastel Showcase An Instructor and Students Exhibit
February 25 - April 19, 2025 Reception: Sunday, March 2, 2:00-5:00 pm
Joelle Feldman, Sunset Over Mount Wachusett
Joelle Feldman has been teaching pastel classes since 2015 after retiring from her corporate career. She has taught at The Fruitland Museum in Harvard MA, the NOA Gallery in Groton, and is currently teaching in Harvard, MA. Joelle also performs demonstrations for local and national art associations and pastel societies.
Over the years, Joelle has emerged as a highly regarded instructor, inspiring and mentoring a dedicated community of local students and emerging artists. She has organized student painting trips to France and organized several exhibits of her students’ work, of which the Pastel Showcase, an Instructor and Students’ Exhibit at the Groton Public Library is the latest example.
Pastel Showcase features work by Joelle and twenty area student artists. They are Janice Anderson, Karen Audouin, Lily Baddour, Lorayne Black, Debra Boisvert, Anyes Borden, Kenna Broadbent, Alice Cary, Jean Cunningham, Gillian Draleau, John Forcucci, Kathryn Garcia, Mary Jennings, Sharron Kenney, Joani Lamachia, Kathleen Phelps, Carole Schuft, Teresa Shirkova, Jennifer Siddall, Irina Tuuli, and Joy Wieder.
Ken Hansen, Curator
Generously supported by the Groton Public Library Endowment Trust.
Exhibition Photo Gallery
The Owen Smith Shuman Art Gallery exhibits several shows each year, featuring artists from Groton and area communities, in both solo and group shows.
The Owen Smith Shuman Gallery of the Groton Public Library accepts submissions for art exhibits on a rolling basis. The Curator is responsible for selecting art for exhibits. In general, preference is given to group shows over solo exhibits and to local artists in Groton and surrounding communities
About the Venue The Owen Smith Shuman Gallery is a beautiful, well-lit gallery that is supported by the Groton Public Library Endowment Trust and is an integral part of the local art scene. The Endowment provides for receptions, publicity, and a curator. Artists should carry their own insurance as the gallery does not have insurance for exhibited works.
Requirements: • Submit 16-20 slides or digital images with the artist’s name and the title of the image on the slide. A CD or USB submission must have the artist name on it as well as a separate document listing the titles, media, and size of each piece. • A complete proposal should contain: your images, a current resumé, list of images (with titles, media, and size), and an artist’s statement. • Please submit an appropriately stamped envelope for return of your materials, if desired. • If you are submitting digital images, you may email all of the above. • Artists may include a link to their websites, but that does not replace a submission proposal. • Optional: a small stipend is available for an artist’s talk. If interested, submit a description of your talk and list public speaking experience on your resumé. • Work submitted must be appropriately framed with eye hooks and wire on the back. Any exceptions to this rule should be submitted to the curator for approval.